Welcome to the 10th International VC Forum

The 10th International Venture Capital Forum was successfully completed on June 16 and 17 at the Athens Hilton Hotel, bringing together more than 500 representatives from the business and financial scenes. Businessmen, researchers, policy makers and Venture Capital firms attended the event, presented their business ideas and discussed venture opportunities in more than 150 dedicated bilateral meetings.

The Forum, which is co-organized by the Invest in Greece Agency, the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) and PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD Network, member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, is distinguished for its uniqueness in the wider part of Southeastern Europe and has a history of ten years in the support of ambitious and dynamic entrepreneurs, business oriented researchers and new technology-based firms.

For more information please visit the Press Room.

Invest in Greece Agency New Economy Development Fund Diktyo PRAXI - HELP-FORWARD Network

Hellenic Venture Capital Association